Practice the presence of Jesus.
Where this quote originated I’m not entirely sure. And the internet was not much help in assigning it an author. Various versions of it seem to have flourished throughout the last several centuries. But I know where it comes from in my life. My Papa. These words could be heard rolling off the eloquent tongue of my grandfather quite often. It was his “go to” phrase. He was fond of it and had a keen awareness of exactly when to insert it where it would be most beneficial. At a crucial time of stress and sorrow in my own life, he called all those in our proximity to prayer and he uttered these words: Let us practice the presence of Jesus. I’m telling you, instant peace; instant calm.
Practice the presence of Jesus.
In other words (as if it needs an explanation), if Jesus were here with you now, how would that change the challenge that you’re facing? How would that alter your perspective and therefore alter your thoughts and actions? This results in a major paradigm shift.
The truth is if Jesus were here, all hope would never be lost. If Jesus were present, his strength wouldn’t be in short supply. With Jesus here, his wisdom would abound as we ask. In Jesus’ presence, there is no brokenness that cannot be healed. Even death doesn’t get the final word with Jesus here.
We celebrate it each Easter and the Christian knows it to be true: we can always practice the presence of Jesus because he is always here. Omniscience is an attribute belonging to him alone. It sets him apart from all other things we can worship. Jesus spoke it to us like this: I will never leave you nor forsake you. He didn’t just incarnate himself and come as Emmanual (God with us) to us (though that is miraculous beyond comprehension!) — he came, yes, and he remains with us still. His Spirit abides with us and in us.
So when the ground beneath you begins to quake, you can practice the presence of Jesus. When we feel the hurricane swirl of chaos gaining strength in our lives, we must practice the presence of Jesus. When greater pain than I can bear hits me like a bat, I will practice the presence of Jesus. When we hear about the diagnosis, we will practice the presence of Jesus. When loneliness is your only companion, you must practice the presence of Jesus. When hope seems lost for good, let us practice the presence of Jesus.