Dylan lining up. Only 1 of 4 boys in his class!
A little video of the kids singing.
More cuteness!
A little video of the kids singing.
More cuteness!
Today the world is buzzing with words of thanks and appreciation for Mothers and all they do for us. I have been enjoying my very own Mothers Day with my chillins, although my breakfast-in-bed chef is away defending our country. *Proud Sigh* My son did bring me home a dee-licious muffin which I enjoyed for breakfast this morning. And my sweet li'l girl has been extra sweet. While reading through the book of Judges today I came upon a section of verses that gripped my attention and burdened my heart as a mother.
After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel. Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD and served the Baals. They forsook the LORD, the God of their ancestors, who had brought them out of Egypt. They followed and worshiped various gods of the peoples around them. They aroused the LORD's anger. –Judges 2:10-12
My heart cries out, "How?" How could the children of the very people who had been brought out of Egypt by God Himself fail to pass that legacy on to their children? They neither knew God nor what he had done for them! God, may it not be said of me that my very children could grow up and neither know you nor even know of the things you have done for them!!
God sent his people into Canaan not to make ties but to break down alters and false idols. What did they do? They only partially obeyed – which is disobedience! Instead of proclaiming God as LORD, abolishing all other gods, and establishing their faith for all to see including generations to come, they became lackadaisical and complacent. They let it slide with the second generation. And that second generation became as it were camouflage in the land.
Father, help me lead my children not to blend in but to stand out as warriors and royalty. May they never make ties with this world but covenants with You. May they daily hear from my lips praises for our deliverer. And may they one day tell of their God to the next generation.
Women of Worth Look closely at the women listed in Matthew’s first chapter - the lineage of Christ. What do we find? An impeccable pedigre...